Voice disabilities

Have you lost your voice due to illness, trauma or old age? Then try Whispp for free.
Losing your voice has a major impact on your life and your sense of happiness. It’s an obstacle in your social life and work. Speaking every day takes a lot of energy. Your voice also needs a boost on the phone and with video calls. That’s Whispp.

When your voice breaks or you have disfluencies, this will not be improved by Whispp’s voice technology. But for stuttering and certain voice disorders like Spasmodic Dysphonia, deliberately steering the voice towards whispering makes you speak much more relaxed and more fluently.

Whispp works for you
For Whispp, your articulation quality should be good enough but It doesn’t matter how your voice sounds. Whispp works for al kinds of voice disabilities and voice types, ranging from soft whispers to rough esophageal speech. Your Whispp voice even sounds like natural speech when you use an Electrolarynx.

Do you miss your own old voice?
A person’s personality is closely tied to their voice, as it conveys emotions, thoughts, and individuality. Therefore we can imagine that losing your voice was a very emotional event for you. With Whispp it’s our mission to give you back a clear and natural voice, resembling your own healthy voice as close as possible.

Your Whispp voice
When you have audio or video recordings of your past healthy voice, we can create your personal Whispp voice. Otherwise, within the app choose the Whispp voice you like the best. We will continuously work on new voices to choose from. When you (temporarily) regain your voice, for example after a treatment, you can create your personal Whispp voice by in-app recording appr. 2 minutes of your voice.

Whispp is really simple to use and within a few minutes you will hear how your Whispp voice sounds. Download Whispp now and test it for free during a week!

Now my voice sounds like a whisper and talking is very tiring for me. With Whispp I don’t need to ask my husband to make phone calls for me anymore.


Vocal cord removal after diagnosis of vocal cord cancer

Until now it was difficult for me to make phone calls for my job. Now Whispp enables me to reach out to my colleagues and even clients.


Spasmodic dysphonia that manifested itself at an early age

Without Whispp I need to force my voice to be heard and that is very demanding. With Whispp making long phone calls with friends is much easier.


Vocal cord paralysis as a complication of major neck surgery

Due to my total laryngectomy, my voice does not come through on phone calls with my smartphone. Now I can easily call my daughter quickly again.


Total laryngectomy after throat cancer