Whispp changes your life
Assistive Voice Technology for people with a voice disability and people who stutter severely
Current assistive communication technologies predominantly focus on speech-to-text (STT) for non-standard speech. This is very helpful for patients with reduced articulation (ALS, MS, stroke and Parkinsons Disease) who can use text-to-speech (TTS) to synthesise their recognised speech.
The disadvantage of this STT-TTS approach is the high latency of 2-3 seconds which creates barriers to natural conversation with a natural ‘flow’.
In contrast to the current assistive speech tech, Whispp uses audio-to-audio based AI, resulting in a real-time conversion and being highly scalable due to its language-independent nature.
That’s why Whispp caters a revolutionary solution to a currently underserved group of worldwide 300 milion people with voice disabilities who lost their voice but still have good articulation.
Whispp is even more revolutionary because it takes advantage of the fact that for several voice and speech disorders, deliberately steering the voice towards whispering is helpful due to neurological changes in the speech system.
For example, people who stutter severely can reduce their stuttering frequency by an average of 85% while whispering. Also people who suffer from Spasmodic Dysphonia or Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis speak much more relaxed and fluent when they whisper.

Whispp’s postioning based on the “source-filter” model. This model helps us understand how the vibrations produced by the vocal cord (sound source) are modified and shaped by the form and movements of the vocal tract (filter) to produce clear and intelligible speech.