Whispp sponsors Wicher for Alpe d’Huzes
We understand the impact of cancer firsthand, so we’re proud to stand with Wicher Mars and support Alpe d’HuZes.
wicher mars‘ active involvement in social media, his pivotal role in the patient organization PVHH, and his dedication as an early ambassador were why we wanted to sponsor him.
“After meeting Wicher during an event organized by Patiëntenvereniging HOOFD-HALS, he participated in one of our listening tests to improve our AI models, which showed his commitment right away.” – says Joris Castermans.
Cancer is a global battle that necessitates medical intervention and the unwavering support and unity of communities worldwide.
Good luck, Wicher!
“Thank you, Whispp and Joris Castermans for your generous donation! It is an honor to make my modest contribution to the development of this groundbreaking app. Your support makes a big difference!
If you would also like to contribute, please click on the link below!” says Wicher in response.
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