Whispp Joins the NASRA TRS Conference to Discuss the Future of Accessibility Technology

Whispp’s Joris Castermans joins the NASRA TRS Conference to discuss how AI-driven communication tools can shape the future of accessibility.

Whispp is excited to participate in the NASRA Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Conference on September 9th and 10th at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. Representing Whispp, Joris Castermans will not only attend but also serve as a panel member, contributing to vital conversations about the future of accessibility technology.

As a panelist, Joris will delve into key topics, including:

  • Regulatory Lag: Are current regulations evolving quickly enough to keep pace with advancements in AI-driven communication tools?
  • Equivalency Standards: Do existing standards ensure truly equivalent services for individuals with communication challenges?
  • Consumer Advocacy: How can advocacy groups drive the adoption of AI-powered accessibility tools within the TRS framework?
  • Impact of AI on Accessibility: How can AI improve communication access for non-hearing and voice-disabled individuals?

These discussions highlight the essential role that AI and innovative technologies play in shaping the future of TRS services and ensuring communication equity.

The NASRA TRS Conference provides a vital platform for industry peers, stakeholders, and advocates to collaborate on advancing communication accessibility. Whispp is eager to contribute to these important conversations and share insights on the transformative potential of AI in enhancing communication access.

If you’re attending the conference, don’t hesitate to connect with Joris to learn how Whispp can support the future of accessible communication.

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