Whispp Joins the AgeTech Collaborative™ from AARP Ecosystem

Whispp is proud to join the AgeTech Collaborative™ from AARP, advancing inclusivity for individuals with voice disabilities and severe stuttering.

Whispp is excited to announce that we are now part of the AgeTech Collaborative™ from AARP, a prestigious ecosystem dedicated to advancing innovation for aging populations. This opportunity marks a significant step forward in our mission to create a more inclusive world for individuals with voice disabilities and those who stutter severely.

As a participant in the AgeTech Collaborative™ from AARP Accelerator program, Whispp joins a network of innovative startups, including Ageless Innovation, LLC, Jelly Drops, MapHabit, and NeuroRPM Inc., to name a few. Together, we are set to connect with leading investors, explore pilot opportunities, and attend major industry events like CES, HLTH, and the ATC Summit.

Being part of this ecosystem not only strengthens our commitment to inclusivity but also provides a platform to further our technology’s impact. We look forward to collaborating with fellow innovators and stakeholders to drive meaningful change and improve accessibility for all.

Stay tuned as we continue this exciting journey with the AgeTech Collaborative™ from AARP. Learn more about this initiative here.

Together, we’re building a future where everyone can communicate clearly and confidently, regardless of voice challenges.

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